Today is a big day in the life of Store Manager for PrestaShop! It's exactly one year since the first order of Store Manager for PrestaShop was performed! Hoorray! Let's celebrate this milestone together!
Since that day Store Manager for PrestaShop has undergone a lot of changes, developed and grown better and better. Our team works hard to make your online business blossom with as little effort required from you as you could only imagine. We've improved and achieved a lot and even received the BarCamp "Best Module" Award 2012 as the honorable recognition of our accomplishments. Still, there are even more plans to be accomplished and more goals to be achieved and we are not going to stop.
Thank you, our customers, for being so loyal, responsive and inspiring. You are the ultimate reason, the muse and the connoisseur of our work. We'll do our best to make your online business even more profitable, successful and enjoyable.