Autumn’s brought shorter days, chill and .... anticipation of holiday time. For all online merchants this means not only having good time with friends and family, but the hottest business period of the year. To make good sales its not enough to have good ideas you should get proper tools to implement them!
MagneticOne suggests a whole range of effective tools to ensure quick and accurate updates, integration with accounting software (QuickBooks, Mail Order), launching AdWords campaign, preparing special offers and sales and many others. So, what is crucial to make this holiday season especially profitable and successful for you?
1) Plan your holiday offers
Inform your customers in advance as they usually need time to think your offer over. Schedule greetings, sales events well ahead of time. Make your store look festive. That's why Event Designer module is a must have thing for this Holiday season. It allows you to create holidays greetings on the front page of your store, make scheduled product description changes like adding announces/releases/news, store decoration, sale promotions.
2) Organise inventory management
With growing holiday sales quantity of orders will increase accordingly. And all shoppers expect to receive their products in time. So, automate the process of exporting all inventory data to an accounting software like QuickBooks, MailOrder. With QuickBooks Integration Addon for Store Manager you’ll export all your products, customers, orders into QuickBooks and Orders to MailOrder in a blink of an eye!
3) Launch Advertising campaign
With people surfing over the Internet in search of the right gift or holiday item PPC advertising will be one of the most effective marketing tools. And the last thing that you want to do is stay up all night on November, 23 changing your AdWords ads to holiday specific text. With Mass AdWords Product Ads Addon you can easily create separate ads in Google AdWords for EACH product in your store and find proper keywords for each product automatically!
4) Test prices for successful Holiday sale
What to offer - 10% discount or fixed price like 9.99? Stop guessing! Discover it now with a perfect tool - Mass Product Changer Addon!
Find more effective tools on www.magneticone.com/store/
Take advantage of new opportunities for your business and let your holidays be joyous and peaceful!